Friday, February 27, 2009

Civilization Building...

On Thursday, I began the Roll Through the Ages game with my two Social Studies classes. They are both really "into" it, and were disappointed that we can only do 1 turn each class!

Interestingly, each class started with a different strategy. Class 1 tried to maximize the number of workers, and sent them all off to build the Great Wall. They are 5/13 of the way there, and, once completed, this will give them 10 VPs plus protect them from an invasions that may occur in the future. Class 2, on the other hand, tried to maximize their economy, going for goods and money. They were able to develop Irrigation on the first turn, and this will protect them from future droughts as well as give them 2 VPs. They were also able to "bank" 1 wood and 1 stone for the future.

It will be fun to see how things play out here. I hope both classes begin building more cities, though the siren's cry of a race to VPs from monuments and developments may be too much. We shall see.

And yes, I truly enjoy doing activities like this with my classes. I only wish I could do more!


Anonymous said...

Roll looks interesting, I'm not sure if I could get twelve year old and seven year old to play though, and if I'm going to solitaire a game, I already have Civ and Civ II for my computer.

Anonymous said...


It's funny that you are doing this even though you have told me in the pasted that you do these things.
I was reading an article in this mag while I was traveling and ripped a piece out. I and was going to send it ( mail it ) to you. I have your mailing address on my old PC at the house so I may have to get itfrom you while I'm out here.

Good stuff your doing there.

Anonymous said...

good way to get them into gaming

does the game have cards ?

if so Shannon won't approve ;)

Mr. W said...

Is "Anonymous" Cory?

And no, "Roll Through the Ages" doesn't have cards -- a bit hard to manage when playing with a whole class. I pick one kid to make the rolls, then the class votes on what to do...

Anonymous said...

Shannon will be happy :)

Anonymous said...

Yes it is. I was in a hurry going to the Recording Studio and sort of blew by that ( including my spelling errors).

Hope you and Mike have a good game.

"Anonymous" Cory.

Mr. W said...

Mike and I will be starting with the 4-turn US-only "learning scenario" Thursday evening...