Saturday, January 3, 2009


I know I've been lax with posting here over my Christmas Break, but I've gotta admit, I really enjoyed being away from the computer. I just don't understand the attraction of being so "connected" in today's world. I like my peace and quiet, and I often turn off my cell phone, and shut down my computer, and just hang out with myself, and my dog.

So many people miss the peace that only the outdoors, the getting away can give. I have been missing that, and this break I have been catching up.

Cheyenne and I both win.


Anonymous said...

That's why my cottage will never have a tv or an internet connection. Not as long as I've got a say in it anyway. :)

Mr. W said...

That's the way to live, Pete! Who would want to be interrupted by that crap when communing with nature?

Mr. BACSIM said...

We usually pull a week at Letchworth in a cabin with no tv or internet. I particularly like to sit in a chair outside in the morning and read. The many hikers in our group don't understand it. :-)

This year, we're going to Letchworth as soon as I return from WBC. Ugh, I'm gonna be tired from the packing and unpacking, repacking, loading and unloading...

Mr. W said...

Letchworth is a lot of fun. I didn't go there at all in 2008, I'll have to remedy that in 2009.