Thursday, April 30, 2009

Weekend Approaching...

It looks good for me to attend the BACSIM meet at UB this Saturday. I'll need to read the rules to my game of Small World and hope I can interest some folks! Maybe get a game of Le Havre in, as well. Who needs wargames, eh? Well, I'll bring some of them, as well...

I'm thinking I may spend the night in Niagara and head to the Seneca Niagara Casino Sunday morning. It's been a while since I've played poker there. I've been playing a lot of Poker Stars, and doing pretty well. I concentrate on tournaments, and when I hit a losing streak I find a 6-player table and win my $$$ back. Overall, since 2009 started, I'm about even, but should be up. I've made the mistake several times in the past of drinking too many beers while I'm playing -- and then I start playing dumb. I would guess I've lost $500 to stupid, buzzed plays. If I hadn't done that, I'd be sitting real pretty, but at least I've learned my lesson. Anyway, I'm finding that I'm better than about 90-95% of the players on that site, but there are a handful of players I run into that continue to teach me valuable lessons. I don't think I'll ever have the patience to get into the "elite" group, but I think I've established myself in the "good/very good" group (except after too many beers). Now, I need to get up the courage to play in higher stakes games. Of course, the players are better there, so the learning will start all over again...

Oh, Mike and I finished our earlier Onslaught game last evening. My Germans held west of the Rhine, and the Allies just never got rolling well enough to burst through. A well-timed "Bulge" offensive in Belgium allowed me to kill 3 Armored divisions (2 U.S. 1 French), blunting the Allied spearhead headed toward Antwerp. We decided to start another game, switching sides. My Allies broke out in July, then got several activations in a row and were able to cut off 3 German corps, annihilating them over the next few activations. Mike was able to pull back to Belgium and the Westwall, but another good run of activations for me allowed the Brits and Canadians to clear the Anwerp ports while 2 U.S. Armor corps broke through Luxembourg then crossed the Rhine -- General Patton would have been proud! With 30 Allied supply (the max) coming in each turn, and a breakthrough established, we decided to call the game. I do like this game, but I admit I got lucky (so maybe that's why I like it, LOL!).

Next week, onto an old favorite that I haven't played for awhile -- Espana 1936. Really looking forward to it!


George Haberberger said...

Onslaught does look like fun.

Maybe I'll pick it up in 11 years, when the kids move out, real cheap at an estate sale.

Mr. W said...

Estate sale? I'll put your name on my copy, George, for when I go belly up...

Halifax Pete said...

A beehive game eh? Imagine that.

Mr. W said...

Espana 1936 is point to point, Pete!

(I had an earlier bout of dementia when talking about Onslaught...)

Robin said...

Good to see you back, Rob! I've been sick as a dog all week, so I've nothing to say....except that the word verification below is pounag

I like that.


Mr. W said...

Thanks Robin! Hope y'all feel better soon (and you haven't traveled to Mexico lately, have you?????).

George Haberberger said...

Thanks Mr. W.

Hey, do you want some extra bacon?

Robin said...

No Mexico travelling, though it looks like I've got the go ahead to go down to Origins! I have a ride sorted, just need to find a room.....

Mind you I still am sick as a dog! Blech....At least I finally took a day off work today (went to work sick all last week....).


Mr. W said...


What's that?