Monday, September 15, 2008

Ike Got Us...

I know, I know -- I've been promising to get this going again, and I will!

For now, just a quick check-in to update y'all.

1. School is going well. A lot of work, so far, and now I'm getting ready for "Curriculum Night" which is this Wednesday. Just seems that there's more paperwork, meetings, etc. than ever before. Not to mention I have 97 students this year (last year I believe my total was around 85 -- a dozen extra grades take time!). We have had a Happy Hour both Fridays so far, so that's good!

2. Gaming is hit or miss. I hope to get some stuff going on Vassal soon, like picking up my Warriors of God game with Gary Phillips. Two Saturdays ago I was at UB and played Pandemic (3x), Hannibal: Rome vs. Carhtage, and Santa Fe Rails. This was the first time for Pandemic, and we couldn't beat the system ("normal" difficulty -- 5 Epidemic cards in deck). I soloed this one (4-player) the other night to see if I could win, and I still lost. Some folks on BGG are reporting this one as "too easy." If so, I guess I'm a dummy!

3. House stuff is going -- slowly. The work we're having done is almost done, but not quite. I'll be out about 5 Grand, once all is said and done. Damn... Also, have been taking Cheyenne to "Doggie Day Care" each morning, as she can't be in the house during the day when we're showing (even though the showing hasn't happened...). That makes my day even longer.

4. I know, I STILL have to report on the day Cory and I spent fishing on Conesus Lake. I have pics on my computer at home, not here, unfortunately...

5. Finally, as for Ike, the remnants blew 60+ MPH gusts around Rochester last evening. Our power got knocked out around 12:45 AM, and was still out when I left the house at 6:30 this morning. Had planned to have the electrician there this morning to get some work done. Guess that won't be happening.

As you can see, I didn't even put hot links in, but I'll do that once I get going "normally" again. Just wanted to let y'all know I'm still alive, and breathing. Barely...


Anonymous said...

It was very windy last night, I was afraid the window ACs would get ripped out. I was expecting the power to go out, too.

As it was, a basil plant fell off our upstairs porch, and our big umbrella fell over.

Msample said...

Sorry to hear of your power loss . We got off relatively lucky - just rain, not much wind . I am surprised with the winters you folks get you don't have a generator . Kind of like insurance - you hate spending the money til you need it.

You'll get a kick out of this . Due to my intolerant nature, I have been asked to serve on a panel at work to determine whether or not people can bring their dogs to work . In my mind, there are only bad owners, not bad dogs.

Let the bribes begin....

Mr. W said...

Power just came back on.


And I like Marty's power -- dogs are now welcome at all EMS locations! ;-)

Anonymous said...

At least you are no longer showing up as unavailable on Skype...

Richard Simon said...

You had us worried there for awhile. I kept waiting to hear on the news "Kids go beserk - savage teacher"

Charles Vasey said...

I was more concerned it was a real case of SCHOOL OF ROCK

Anonymous said...

Ike didn't do much here. Hanna was a problem though. Not for Halifax, but farther northwest in Saint John New Brunswick they got a lot of rain. So much so that our unit clerk - who has all her stuff stored in her daughter's basement in Saint John - lost virtually everything when the city sewage system backed up from all the rain. She was up to her knees in shit for about half a day. There wasn't much she was able to salvage. Apparently she had, among other things, a full collection of all the Beatles albums right from the first one, all on vinyl, all in mint condition, all bought new by her when they first came out. All gone. Ouch!

Mr. W said...

Sewage up to her knees?

Jeez -- that's about as bad as it gets (unless the crap goes aove the knees...)

Today, September 22, 2008, I am coming back and keeping a regular schedule of AT LEAST 5 entries per week...
