Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Had some wet snow hitting my windshield this morning.


Oh well, living in Western New York, we're used to this sort of thing. I am, at least. It drives Deanna crazy -- she needs one of those winter "seasonal affective disorder" lights. I should look into that, as her mood can really get dark...

Anyone know any good Internet sites for radio/picking individual songs? Just something to have on in the background. I like to have classical music going when the kids are working, and my old CD player just went on the fritz. I found "Radio Margaritaville," which I love, but which isn't really appropriate for the classroom -- "Wasted away again in Margaritaville," and all that...

I know Mike and Bill are continuing their molasses-like game of Third World War tonight. I have to head to Irondequoit to do a few errands, so I'll probably stop by and watch the blitz, err, sitzkreig for a bit. On Thursday, Greg D. is having game night at his house. I'm fishing for a game of Espana 1936, hope I get a bite!

One of Deanna's co-workers is in a band, and they're playing a local bar on Friday, Johnny's Irish Pub, so we'll stop by for a bit. I must admit, I don't like Johnny's -- it's one of those places with a bunch of regulars who tend to be unfriendly to newcomers. Last time I was there, years ago with Mike Cardwell, guys kept on glaring at us. Maybe they thought we were gay, LOL! I dunno... I would never set foot in this place on my own volition, hope Deanna won't want to go there again, either!

Cheyenne's new bump on her head seems to be going down, so we're hoping the tissue there is just still fragile, from the first one. She's playing in the "small dog" room this week, so she probably won't bump heads with anyone! At 48 pounds, she's kinda a "tweener," a more medium-sized dog, who acts like a big dog, but loves dogs of all sizes.

I went out to Shutt's cider mill over the weekend and got some excellent apples -- Pinatas. I've never had these before. They're like Honeycrisps, but a little "tarter." Really tasty. Some Macouns, as well. I love getting nice, fresh apples from the orchards around Sodus. Yum!


Richard Simon said...

There are a couple of good ones. You can try Pandora or Slacker Radio (

Slacker allows you a little more control as Pandora will play stuff based on what you have played before. It's not bad but they tend to get off the track.

Slacker is good because you can specify the artists and they will only play those artists.

Both allow you highlight tunes so that you get to hear them a lot more often.

Anonymous said...

>hope Deanna won't want to go there again, either!<

The good thing is, at least they wont' think your gay.

Had to go to the Humane society today to turn over Baby Kitties that Mary has been taking care of for two months. She made them People friendly and all are healthy. They do not put the cats down and find them homes. Now we have to get the Mommy and get her fixed so no more litters end up on our door step.


Mr. W said...

Thanks for the "Slacker" recommendation, Rich!

Mr. W said...

Cory, glad they don't put down animals. Really, I'm amazed at the stupidity of people that don't neuter their animals.

Effin' idiots...

Anonymous said...

I've seen bars like Johnny's, and much worse. In New Waterford (Cape Breton) there's a bar that's 'locals only', no outsiders are welcome. Strangers will be asked - once - to leave and if they don't they'll be tossed out by the patrons. Management doesn't care. I was after a New Waterford girl when I lived in Sydney (just a few miles from NW) and was told I wouldn't be allowed in the Thistle, which was where she hung out. I figured if she was of the same mentality, she wasn't worth the hassle. Cape Breton can be a very strange place.

Mr. W said...

Cape Breton -- my kind of town! ;-)


Anonymous said...

For music - "Playing a mix of folk, rock, alternative, blues and comedy, plus commentary. Live online through RealPlayer or Windows Media Player."

For classic music, I can't recommend, but here is a collection of classic stations that stream audio:

Mike C

Mr. W said...

Thanks, Mike.

Slacker is working pretty well, but I'll check these, too!

Panzerblitzer said...

I usually have XM channel 77 "Audio Visions" on in the background as much as possible. New Age music, but as nice as classical. Unfortunately its a subscription service. THough I think its only $10 a month ofr an online subscription and you get a lot of channels.

Mr. W said...

XM does sound like a decent idea, I just HATE the thought of paying for radio!

Anonymous said...

Well the other thing with XM is that you get every single NHL game, the big conferences Basketball and Football, (every MLB game), NASCAR (what's more boring than watching 20 cars drive fast in a circle for 3 hours - listening to it on the radio), etc, etc.

They have a few decent classical stations. Not much of a newage person, but I drift into XM Chill often (and they in turn can get newagey during the day.) XM Comedy is pretty damn funny. Can never have enough dick jokes in your life.

Mr. W said...

I've thought about getting satellite radio for the car (especially when I was missing Howard Stern!), but now I listen to books on CD all the time when it's just me, CDs when I have a passenger...