Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Tonight will just be an evening of veggin' out, correcting papers, and watching the Sabres game, as I am pooped! All those days off and sleeping in spoiled me -- now I can't get to sleep at night, yet I have to get up at 5:55 when my alarm starts going off.


Looks like no gaming this week, though our group's monthly meet at Millennium is on Saturday. So, once Friday hits, I'll have the Sabres' game that night, then gaming all the next day. Not a bad deal, just have to get through 2 more days...

Mike and Bill are playing Third World War on Thursday at Mike's, so I'll probably stop by the see that. I'm not really interested in the game (too many damn hexes!), so it'll just be for the beer and to shoot the shit. Haven't seen Bill in ages, actually!

And on the Niagara Boardgaming Weekend front, spoke with Marty Sample last night and it looks like he'll be coming in from New Hampshire! Too cool! Looking forward to NBW even more, now. Mmmmmm... Niagara Falls in February!

Y'all should be coming, ya know...


Mr. BACSIM said...

I'm so in for NBW!

I just wish I could figure a way to fit in GZG ECC in the end of February without canceling the March BACSIM.

Tough to be gone for 3 out of 5 weekends.

Mr. W said...


Godzilla? Zoinks, Grant! Everyone Counts Cards!

Or something like that...

Anonymous said...


Not enough $$$$$$$ or leave time.

PrezCon for me

Mr. BACSIM said...

What's remarkable is how similar ECC and NBW are. It's like the same con, just one is board gaming and one is GZG mini's gaming.

Anonymous said...


Please for me,,,, what the hell is GZG ECC?.

Cory Anonymous

Mr. BACSIM said...

Cory, GZG ECC is Ground Zero Games East Coast Convention.

It's a small (NBW size) con devoted entirely to the GZG line of mini's rules. It's in Lancaster (downtown) in late February. I've been to 2, and it's a blast. Unfortunately, I feel an obligation to support NBW and a second weekend away in one month is most difficult (especially a week before BACSIM).