Saturday, June 7, 2008

Clubbing and VASSAL...

No, I'm not 22 anymore, so "clubbing" has a different definition to me now...

I think that, after all, I may be able to head to the University of Buffalo (UB) for the Buffalo Gamer's monthly meet. It looked bleak yesterday, as we're having work done on our house in order to get ready to put it on the market. It looked like our friend Doug was coming in the morning to get started, and Deanna had plans, so I was stuck here. But Doug has said he can't get here before mid/late afternoon, by which time Deanna will be back. So if the plan holds, a day of gaming at UB is on my plate!

Besides, Deanna's the persnickety one when it comes to painting, drywall, wallpaper removal, etc., so better she's in charge than I. None of this, "Why didn't you have Doug do _________" stuff, if I'm not around. Hehe!

Yesterday I signed up to play a Here I Stand (HIS) game with some friends from CSW. HIS is a game on the Protestant Reformation, wars during that time, and the exploration of the New World. We're talking a time frame of the early-mid 1500s. It's a game for 6 players -- Hapsburgs, Ottomans, France, England, Protestans, and the Papacy. The game is a lot of fun, and we'll be playing on VASSAL, a real-time, or play by electronic mail (pbem) site. Alas, VASSAL is something I've always had trouble with, so I'm hoping a training session tomorrow will open my eyes a little. And, of course, I'll be reporting on the game here.

Finally, Khyber Pass Games put out a solitaire game, B-29, which lets one fly missions to bomb Japan in WWII. I signed up for a game on CSW -- I don't have to do anything, just see what happens to my character as javelina trader Shannon Cooke flies the missions. I'm the bombardier, so let's hope I'm on target!


Anonymous said...

well at least you get to push a button, all I do is look at dials ...

nrandall said...

Excellent blog, Rob. Every post a good one.

Mr. W said...

Is it really as easy as pushing a button? ;-)

And thank you Neil, I appreciate that! Hope you'll drop by when you can.

Had a good, if short, day at UB. Will have to find some time today to write that up.

Don MacIntosh said...

Hi Rob.
Finally found time to have a look.
Let me know how VASSAL goes. I'm still waiting to find time to have Michael initiate me. Then I can get a game with Cory.

Mr. W said...


Dirk Heinz took me through the Here I Stand set today, then we played a game of C&C Ancients (Cannae), which my Romans pulled out after a Carthaginian cavalry charge petered out.

I found playing C&C with Skype quite easy -- and would love to try other games "live" as time permits. I understand the Combat Commander stuff is quite good.

For pbem, VASSAL doesn't seem a lot more "bulky" than Cyberboard, though these are first impressions only. Playing may make me rethink this.