Thursday, June 26, 2008

This is it...

Last day of school.

Kids are gone for the summer.

Some morning meetings for me, then room clean-up, then summer.


I actually have much to do today -- I am a horrible "filer," so I have stacks of paper everywhere.  I know what they're for, and I can easily place my hands on what I need, but since my room is used for other things over the summer, I need to file stuff away or it will disappear.  Gack...

I also have to clean up my crappy old Mac computer.  I'll (finally!) be getting a real computer for next year (hopefully soon), and it can't happen soon enough.  Depending on my set-up at the new place, I might even be able to use the new guy as my "main" computer.  Never could do that with the kid's toy they call "Macintosh."  Ugh...

Anyway, the end of a school year is always a little bittersweet.  No, don't get me wrong -- I need the summer for fun and rejuvenation -- but it's a little sad seeing the good kids (which, frankly, are most of them) move on.  Some remember you fondly through the years and visit, others seem to forget about the time they spent in your classroom.  I had a slew of good kids this year, and I hope they ones that made me cards promising they'll visit me every school day will at least visit a little.

But enough of that.

I really, really need summer!


Anonymous said...

It's hard to believe you are that old. It seems like yesterday when I was sitting in your classroom, throwing spitwads at Sally (you know, the one with the big bazooms). I thought your punishment was a bit harsh. Most teachers don't use manacles anymore. And a smaller ball for my mouth would have been nice.

But fortunately, I am one of those 'good kids' who forget about the bad times and only remember the good.

Oh... and don't forget to respond to you subpoena.

Mr. W said...


I seem to have forgotten those times...
