Saturday, July 19, 2008

Game Day at Millennium...

Sorry to be off for a couple days -- though I can't say I minded!

Went to Millennium today. Played 1 game of Warriors of God and 5 scenarios of Command & Colors: Ancients.

Didn't have a great day winning percentage, but had fun, never the less. Went out to dinner (and drinks) with Mike afterwards at J.B. Quimby's. Overall, a nice day, and know I owe y'all a report on something!

I promise I'll be more attentive!


Anonymous said...

It's nice to take a break sometimes

Mr. BACSIM said...

He's too busy drinking to give us new content! :-)

Anonymous said...

Missed it, again.

This time I was suffering from a bee sting, my toe had a blister the size of a cheery (before I lanced it), and my foot was sore and swollen. I did take pictures.

I also got some gaming in, solo. PG: Guadalcanal: Edson's Ridge, which is a darn good solo scenario since the Japs mostly randomly roll to see where their troops go.

Mr. W said...

Breaks and beers are good!

OK, George, where are the pics?