Friday, July 11, 2008

Warriors of God, Initial Read-through...

I know, I know, I owe y'all an AAR of Espana 1936. You will get it, though I might wait until after Bill and I have played again, and I record some things (I'd have to recreate our first game by memory). Many of the Spanish place names are unfamiliar to me, though playing Wellington has certainly helped here!

But in the meantime (waiting for Bill next week), I broke out the rules to Warriors of God last night, and dammit, the game looks really interesting! I'm headed out to Grand Island to game with Bob Titran early next week, and I think we'll be giving this one a try, along with Command & Colors: Ancients.

Until then, I need to continue packing and organizing -- and mustering up enough energy for an Espana 1936 report!

The house is beginning to look good (well, it's always looked good, frankly, but it's beginning to look like it's in "selling" shape). Still some work to be done, and I need to do some power washing myself, but we hope to have it in shape by the end of the month.


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