Monday, July 7, 2008

The Training Begins (again)...

Took Cheyenne to her first private lesson today. After evaluating her, the trainer said, "She's very smart, and quite stubborn."


Story of my life with dog's -- smart ones who think they know better than I...

Anyway, we practiced a lot with eye contact ("Watch Me") and some distracted walking. Cheyenne was OK, but whenever she got interested in something else, it was like I didn't exist anymore. Then, using a long leash, we played "Come" back and forth. Of course, Cheyenne was perfect, for she knew she couldn't get away, all leashed up and all.

Went for a nice walk with her and Deanna tonight. Practiced what we learned. Cheyenne wasn't very good. This is going to be a loooong process. But it's worth it, as this dog is a marvel -- she should be doing both agility work and starring in frisbee shows. But she needs to listen to us to do either of those.

I do have a shock collar, and will use it as a last resort if we don't start seeing real improvement after a bit...

On the gaming front, just looking forward to Bill coming over tomorrow night to decided the fate of Spain. Also have to coordinate some gaming with Bob Titran, since I know have his "summer list" of games -- we have fairly similar tastes, so now we just need to narrow things down. Looking at Bob's list, I'm thinking Warriors of God might be worth a try, even though early reviews show it may be too procedure heavy for my tastes.

We shall see.

Oh yeah, it was hot today...

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